Method To Accept All Pending Friend Requests At Once

6:33:00 PM Mahesh Kumar Yadav 0 Comments

Facebook is one of the biggest social media platform ever. We make friends on Facebook and do chat, share thoughts and memories through status, images and videos. Facebook is place where not only we make friends but many users play games, many developers, marketer, small business depends on Facebook. Just because Facebook is the easiest way to convey the message to the short period of time. We can easily reach millions of people through pages and groups. If you want to accept all pending friend requests on a single, follow these steps.
  • First of all, click the below-given link and open it into the browser in which you have opened your Facebook account.
  • After opening above given link in the browser. All Pending request will visible there. 
  • Now Click F12 to open console box or even you can open it by doing right through Inspect Element
  • Copy below-given code and paste it in the console box. It will look like as shown below.

javascript:for( i = 0;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0);

  • After pasting the above-given code. Press Enter and wait for some time until all pending request will not get confirmed. 
  • Now Scroll down and make sure all request are accepted. In case, their is a See more options then click on it.
  • Again run the same script in the console to accept the request of pending request.
  • accept-confirm-all-facebook-friend-request-script
  • Follow the same process until all the request will not get accepted. 
I hope you like this trick to accept all pending friends request. If you face any issue or want to suggest regarding this topic must leave your precious comment.

Source: Online

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